Science: Summary

The scientific interests of the MEGARA Science Team can be grouped in two categories:

  1. the study of Galactic and extragalactic nebulae.
  2. the study of (or close to) point-sources with intermediate-to-high surface densities.

Among the former our interests include the study of nearby galaxies, Planetary Nebulae, and high-redshift diffuse Lyman-alpha emission and among the latter Galactic open stellar clusters, stellar populations in Local Group galaxies, GC systems in nearby galaxies, intermediate-redshift dwarf and starburst galaxies, and high-redshift galaxy clusters are the main subject of our research activities.

The fact that the MEGARA Science Team encompasses researchers with such a broad range of scientific interests guarantees that MEGARA will successfully serve to the much broader interests of the GTC astronomical community.

What is common to all our scientific interests is the need for an intermediate-to-high spectral resolution, in the range R ~ 5000 - 20000. In some of the cases above this need is a mere consequence of velocity resolution (kinematics) but in many cases is given by the need of reducing line blending, either directly when lines from different elements ought to be measured in stars or via a reduction in the degeneracy of the properties of composite stellar populations.

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